Friday, February 19, 2010


We had another first this week that I knew would have to happen. It was not something that I was looking forward to.... The boys had straight infant formula for the first time. They are still getting breast milk, but my supply just cannot keep up with their ever-growing appetites. So, we introduced formula very slowly this week (the dietitian in me is very strict on how to do this). Oh my, that stuff stinks just as much going in as it does coming out! I really expected Evan to have more problems due to his reflux, but he has done very well. Surprisingly, Aiden has had a little more problems with it than Evan! Breast milk is so easily digested and absorbed, which makes for fewer stinky diapers. I just wish I could keep up with their needs! And the $$ (whew). Hopefully, it will continue to only be a small amount of formula that they get to supplement my milk.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Janelle! You are an amazing woman to have exclusively breast fed these precious boys for so long! Every little bit that they still get from you will bless their little bodies.
